Wikipedia, Quantum field theory
Quantum field theory (QFT)[1] provides a theoretical framework for constructing quantum mechanical models of systems classically parametrized (represented) by an infinite number of dynamical degrees of freedom, that is, fields and (in a condensed matter context) many-body systems. It is the natural and quantitative language of particle physics and condensed matter physics. Most theories in modern particle physics, including the Standard Model of elementary particles and their interactions, are formulated as relativistic quantum field theories. Quantum field theories are used in many contexts, elementary particle physics being the most vital example, where the particle count/number going into a reaction fluctuates and changes, differing from the count/number going out, for example, and for the description of critical phenomena and quantum phase transitions, such as in the BCS theory of superconductivity, also see phase transition, quantum phase transition, critical phenomena. Quantum field theory is thought by many to be the unique and correct outcome of combining the rules of quantum mechanics with special relativity.
In perturbative quantum field theory, the forces between particles are mediated by other particles. The electromagnetic force between two electrons is caused by an exchange of photons. Intermediate vector bosons mediate the weak force and gluons mediate the strong force. There is currently no complete quantum theory of the remaining fundamental force, gravity, but many of the proposed theories postulate the existence of a graviton particle that mediates it. These force-carrying particles are virtual particles and, by definition, cannot be detected while carrying the force, because such detection will imply that the force is not being carried. In addition, the notion of "force mediating particle" comes from perturbation theory, and thus does not make sense in a context of bound states.
In QFT photons are not thought of as 'little billiard balls', they are considered to be field quanta - necessarily chunked ripples in a field, or "excitations," that 'look like' particles. Fermions, like the electron, can also be described as ripples/excitations in a field, where each kind of fermion has its own field.
In summary, the classical visualisation of "everything is particles and fields," in quantum field theory, resolves into "everything is particles," which then resolves into "everything is fields." In the end, particles are regarded as excited states of a field (field quanta).
to resolove into
Ⅱ 〔…に〕分解[溶解]する 〔into〕
The mixture will resolve into three simple substances. その混合物は3つの単純な物質に分解される.
The gravitational field and the electromagnetic field are the only two fundamental fields in Nature that have infinite range and a corresponding classical low-energy limit, which greatly diminishes and hides their "particle-like" excitations.
Albert Einstein, in 1905, attributed "particle-like" and discrete exchanges of momenta and energy, characteristic of "field quanta," to the electromagnetic field.
Originally, his principal motivation was to explain the thermodynamics of radiation.
Although it is often claimed that the photoelectric and Compton effects require a quantum description of the EM field, this is now understood to be untrue, and proper proof of the quantum nature of radiation is now taken up into modern quantum optics as in the antibunching effect[2]. The word "photon" was coined in 1926 by the great physical chemist Gilbert Newton Lewis (see also the articles photon antibunching and laser).
The "low-energy limit" of the correct quantum field-theoretic description of the electromagnetic field, quantum electrodynamics, is believed to become James Clerk Maxwell's 1864 theory, although the "classical limit" of quantum electrodynamics has not been as widely explored as that of quantum mechanics. Presumably, the as yet unknown correct quantum field-theoretic treatment of the gravitational field will become and "look exactly like" Einstein's general theory of relativity in the "low-energy limit." Indeed, quantum field theory itself is quite possibly the low-energy-effective-field-theory limit of a more fundamental theory such as superstring theory. Compare in this context the article effective field theory.
Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Principles of quantum field theory
2.1 Classical fields and quantum fields
2.2 Single-particle and many-particle quantum mechanics
2.3 Second quantization
2.3.1 Second quantization of bosons
2.3.2 Second quantization of fermions
2.3.3 Field operators
2.4 Implications of quantum field theory
2.4.1 Unification of fields and particles
2.4.2 Physical meaning of particle indistinguishability
2.4.3 Particle conservation and non-conservation
2.5 Axiomatic approaches
3 Phenomena associated with quantum field theory
3.1 Renormalization
3.2 Gauge freedom
3.3 Multivalued Gauge Transformations
3.4 Supersymmetry
4 See also
5 Notes
6 Further reading
7 External links
場の量子論(ばのりょうしろん、quantum field theory)は、物理学における理論的枠組の1つであり、場という物理量に量子力学を適用した理論である。
目次 [非表示]
1 場の量子化
2 ラグランジアン
2.1 スカラー場のラグランジアン
2.2 スピノル場のラグランジアン
3 関連記事
場の量子化 [編集]
ラグランジアン [編集]
スカラー場のラグランジアン [編集]
実スカラー場 φ(x) のラグランジアンは
の形をとなる。ここで計量は g = diag(+,-,-,-) であり、従って、
である。素粒子分野では多くの場合この計量が使われる。 (まれに g = diag(-,+,+,+) を使う場合は となる。)
ポテンシャル項 V(φ) を φ の冪級数で展開すれば
となる。(1次の項は φ の再定義により常に消去できる。0次の項は論理を進める上で関与しない。) 2次の係数 m はスカラー場 φ の質量と解釈でき、この項は質量項(mass term)と呼ばれる。 ポテンシャル V が質量項しか持たないとき、φ を自由場(自由スカラー場)と呼ぶ。
ポテンシャル V の3次以降は相互作用項(interaction term)と呼ばれる。 例えば、相互作用項に が含まれていれば、φ 3つが結合定数 g3 で相互作用することを表わし、2つの φ が衝突して1つの φ となったり、逆に1つの φ が2つの φ になったりし得る、と言う解釈ができる。
くりこみ可能性を課せば、4次元時空では φ の4次項までしか現れない。 更に、φ→-φの対称性を課せば、奇数次の項は現れず、結局ラグランジアンは
となる。相互作用項は φ の4次項だけとなり、これは φ4 (ファイフォー)理論と呼ばれる。
スピノル場のラグランジアン [編集]
ワイル場 ψ(x) の運動項は
(σ は4次元のパウリ行列)である。くりこみ可能性を課せば、ψ の2次までしか現れず、ポテンシャル項は
V(ψ) = mMψψ + h.c.
となる。この mM はマヨラナ質量と呼ばれる。
もう1つのワイル場 χ が存在し、ディラック場
とすることが出来る。この mD はディラック質量と呼ばれる。
スカラー場 φ とディラック場 ψ が存在する場合、くりこみ可能性を課すと、
この形の相互作用項を湯川相互作用項(Yukawa interaction term)と呼ぶ。
関連記事 [編集]
音響学 · 農業物理学 (土壌物理学) · 天体物理学 · 大気物理学 · 原子・分子・光物理学 · 生物物理学 (医療物理学 • 神経物理学) · 化学物理学 · 物性物理学 · 経済物理学 · 電磁気学 · 力学 (古典力学 • 連続体力学 • 量子力学 • 流体力学 • 光学力学 • 熱力学) · 原子核物理学 · 光学 · 素粒子物理学 · 場の量子論 · 相対性理論 (特殊相対性理論 • 一般相対性理論)
最終更新 2010年7月24日 (土) 17:34 (日時は個人設定で未設定ならばUTC)。
カテゴリ: 量子力学 | 一般相対性理論
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