
Embodiment - 身体性


Wikipedia, Embodiment
Reference: "Embodiment and Cognitive Sience"
by Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., 2005. Cambridge University Press




Wikipedia, Body
Wikipedia, Situated cognition
Situated cognition posits that knowing is inseparable from doing(John Seely Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Greeno, 1989) by arguing that all knowledge is situated in activity bound to social, cultural and physical contexts (Greeno & Moore, 1993). A recent overview is offered by the collection of papers edited by Philip Robins and Murat Aydede [1]


Embodied or embodiment may refer to:

in psychology and philosophy,

  • Embodied cognition (or the embodied mind thesis), a position in cognitive science and the philosophy of mind emphasizing the role that the body plays in shaping the mind

  • Embodied Imagination, a therapeutic and creative form of working with dreams and memories

    in computer science, robotics and artificial intelligence,

  • Embodied Embedded Cognition, a position in cognitive science stating that intelligent behaviour emerges out of the interplay between brain, body and world

  • Embodied agent, in artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent that interacts with the environment through a physical body within that environment

  • Embodied cognitive science, an interdisciplinary field of research aiming to explain the mechanisms underlying intelligent behavior in resource economics,

  • Embodied resource, the amount of resource used in the production, manufacture, use and disposal of a good or service.

  • Embodied energy, the quantity of energy required to manufacture, and supply to the point of use, a product, material or service
    Embodied or virtual water, the water used in the production of a good or service

    in physical theatre training,

  • Process of embodiment (physical theatre) the process of embodiment, the specific part of psychophysical actor training based on the embodied mind thesis that seeks to unite the imaginary separation of body and mind

    in music,

  • Embodied music cognition, a concept within musicology

  • Embodiment 12:14, a Christian Australian metalcore band

  • Embodiment: Collapsing Under the Weight of God, the third studio album by the band Sculptured

    in law,

  • a specific, disclosed example of how an inventive concept, that is more generally stated elsewhere in the disclosure of a patent application or patent, can be put into practice; see Claim (patent).







[ 認知科学、人工知能の分野では、






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